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South Australia's Skills Outlook

The Jobs and Skills Outlook is an annual release of State Government modelling with a focus on current and emerging skills needs that may be supported through non-school education and training, or overseas and interstate migration.

It is one way of informing South Australians about the State’s future workforce and skills needs, and supports a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy.

Jobs and Skills Outlook 2024 Cover

Who's the Jobs and Skills Outlook for?

SO2023 Government

For Government

It informs the choices and scope of Government investment in skills and training pathways, and workforce development interventions.
SO2023 Training

For training and education providers

It provides a basis for identifying what types of skills and qualifications will be in demand in the future.
SO2023 Industry

For industry and employers

It shows the projected level of demand for occupations and how that may change over time.
SO2023 Learner

For learners

It gives a general indication about where the jobs of the future are likely to be.


The Jobs and Skills Outlook provides projections on the demand for new qualifications between 2024 and 2028 in South Australia.

These projections are underpinned by State Government modelling that is updated annually.

The modelling considers a range of factors including employment growth, the need to replace workers leaving the labour force or changing occupations and the need for workers to upskill or broaden their skill set.

For the purposes of the Jobs and Skills Outlook the VET sector is considered to include Certificate I, Certificate II, Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications. Higher education includes Bachelor and Postgraduate qualifications.

The State Government’s approach to workforce planning includes direct engagement with industry and government agencies to identify and validate workforce demand.

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