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Skilled. Thriving. Connected

Our Policy Direction for Skills in South Australia

Our Policy Direction for Skills in South Australia sets out a clear response to immediate skills needs and signals how we will support South Australians to engage in education and training and transition into secure, well-paid jobs.

South Australia has partnered with the Australian Government through the National Skills Agreement (NSA) which will provide a $2.29 billion investment in skills for South Australians. This investment will help address the challenges identified and deliver the reforms outlined in the policy.

A policy that positions South Australians at the centre

We spoke to industry, businesses and the community to develop a policy that addresses South Australia’s skills needs for today and for the future.

Publication policy direction
Skills connected

Vision and ambition

Our focus is to develop highly adaptable skilled people that contribute to a thriving South Australia and are supported by a connected skills system.

Policy Direction at a glance

We’ve created a condensed version of the Skilled. Thriving. Connected. Policy Direction.

Two work people wearing hard hats and high vis clothing on a rooftop showing construction.

An economy that is smart, sustainable, and inclusive.

Through the South Australian Economic Statement, the South Australia government has outlined an ambition of an economy that is smart, sustainable,
and inclusive.

Skilled. Thriving. Connected.
responds to that ambition through its vision to develop highly adaptable skilled people that contribute to a thriving South Australia and are supported by a connected skills system.

It outlines a reform agenda to achieve this vision and underscores the importance of partnerships and shared responsibilities for outcomes.

All VET stakeholders have a role to play in improving completion rates and learner outcomes to address skills shortages and ensure value from public investment.

This means doing things differently.

Skilled. Thriving. Connected. will drive changes for learners, providers and industry including:

  • a stronger focus on learner wellbeing and completions, rather than only focusing solely on commencements, ensuring we can support more people to gain secure, well-paid jobs
  • moving to a managed training system with greater government direction on investment in courses aligned to need
  • establishing TAFE SA at the centre of the skills system to support delivery of government priorities and ensure all South Australians have access to a high quality, accessible, and inclusive public provider
  • a greater emphasis on ensuring the quality and integrity of training providers and employers
  • requiring employers, unions, and industry to actively engage and be embedded in the training system.
Skills connected

Current state

The current state of skills in South Australia

South Australia faces immediate skills challenges that need to be addressed as a matter of priority.

With 351 occupations currently in shortage, 60 percent of recruiting employers reported recruitment difficulties.

Skills Outlook
Skills connected

Roles of key agencies

Government agencies responsible for delivering Skilled. Thriving. Connected.

These agencies will work with partners across government, industry and the community to deliver our vision and ambition.

Teacher showing student blueprint on the wall.
Skills connected


The 5-year NSA provides a $2.29 billion investment in skills for South Australians.

The National Skills Agreement (NSA) reflects a commitment by the Commonwealth Government, and state and territory governments to ensure that no Australian is left behind or held back as the economy transitions and adapts to structural change, including by providing opportunities for life-long learning and foundation skills development.

The NSA includes flexible funding to support state and territory skills sectors with capacity to deliver skills for critical and emerging industries.

Skills connected

Measuring success

Success is possible when we work together

Skilled. Thriving. Connected. sets bold population outcomes that will require collaborative effort from all stakeholders and interconnected service systems.

We will remain on track by working towards achieving the outcomes aligned to the three key elements: skilled people, thriving South Australia and a connected skills system.

Progress towards achieving the outcomes in Skilled. Thriving. Connected. will be monitored by Skills SA against a range of indicators as outlined below. Skills SA will work with stakeholders to determine targets and measures aligned
to the indicators.

A strong partnership between government, industry, community, learners, and training providers will enable the impact.

Population outcomes

System outcomes

Horticulturalist in the garden examining leaves.

Connect with Skills SA’s Policy and Strategy team

To learn more about the engagement, strategic or methodology of this publication, reach out to the team.

Contact Skills SA’s Policy and Strategy team via email at


Sources for statistics and information found in Skilled. Thriving. Connected Policy Direction can be found in the full print version.