Over the next 5 years, it is estimated around 90,500 vocational education and training (VET) qualifications will need to be delivered to meet South Australia’s demand for skills.
South Australia is currently experiencing strong employment growth with the unemployment rate sitting at 4.0%. However, both the youth unemployment rate and the proportion of employed people that were underemployed are the second highest amongst all Australian states.
Demand for VET qualifications represents over half of South Australia’s total demand for qualifications over the period, after factoring in bachelor and postgraduate qualifications delivered by the higher education (or university) sector.

Demand for total qualifications by sector, 2023-24 to 2027-28

Demand for VET qualifications by type and major occupation group, 2023-24 to 2027-28

VET qualification demand is driven primarily by new entrants into the employment market (67%), followed by existing workers broadening their skills (19%), then workers upskilling (14%).
New entrant qualification demand flows from job openings- it represents the skills required to support employment growth and the need to replace workers who leave the labour force or change occupation.
Skills broadening occurs when an existing worker acquires a qualification at an equivalent or lower level compared to their highest qualification previously held.
Upskilling occurs when an existing worker completes a qualification at a higher level compared to their previous qualification. This may include someone who does not have a post-school qualification upskilling to a Certificate I or some other higher level of education.